Our Publications:

For a complete listing of Fred Adler's publications, please click here.
For all publications see the listing below.


  • Remien CH, Adler FR, Chesson LA, Valenzuela LO, Ehleringer JR, Cerling TE. Deconvolution of Isotope Signals from Bundles of Multiple Hairs. Oecologia. 175:781-789. 2014.
  • Remien CH, Sussman NL, Adler FR. Mathematical Modelling of Chronic Acetaminophen Metabolism and Liver Injury. Mathematical Medicine and Biology. 31(3): 302-317. 2014.


  • V. J. Rowntree, M. M. Uhart, M. Sironi, A. Chirife, M. Di Martino, L. La Sala, L. Musmeci, N. Mohamed, J. Andrejuk, D. McAloose, J. E. Sala, A. Carribero, H. Rally, M. Franco, F. R. Adler, R. L. Brownell Jr., J. Seger, and T. Rowles. Unexplained recurring high mortality of southern right whale Eubalaena australis calves at Pennsula Valds, Argentina. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 493:275-289, 2013.
  • P-I Ku, A. K. Miller, J. Ballew, V. Sandrin, F. R. Adler, and S. Saffarian. Identification of pauses during formation of HIV-1 Virus like particles. Biophysical Journal, 105:2262-2272, 2013.
  • E. J. Graham and F. R. Adler. Long-term models of oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage in insulin resistance progression. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 340:238-250, 2013.
  • D. J. A. Toth, A. V. Gundlapalli, W. A. Schell, K. Bulmahn, T. E. Walton, C. W. Woods, C. Coghill, F. Gallegos, M. H. Samore, and F. R. Adler. Quantitative models of the dose-response and time course of inhalational anthrax in humans. PLoS Pathogens, 9:e1003555, 2013.
  • F.R. Adler and C. J. Tanner. Urban Ecosystems: Ecological Principles for the Built Environment, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
  • C. L. Davis and F. R. Adler. Mathematical models of memory CD8+ T-cell repertoire dynamics in response to viral infections. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75:491-522, 2013.
  • F. R. Adler and P. S. Kim. Models of contrasting strategies of rhinovirus immune manipulation. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 327:1-10, 2013.
  • A.M. Smith, F. R. Adler, R. M. Ribeiro, R. N. Gutenkunst, J. L. McAuley, J. A. McCullers and A. S. Perelson. Kinetics of coinfection with influenza A virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. PLoS Pathogens, 9:491-522, 2013.
  • Valenzuela LO, Chase K, Nielsen M, McGill L, Lark KG. 2013. Alas poor Yorick: What retrospective analysis of canine skulls can tell us about the impact of environmental factors on health. Open Journal of Animal Science. 3(3):12-18. doi: 10.4236/ojas.2013.33A002.
  • Rubin M, Jones M, Leecaster M, Khader K, Ray W, Huttner A, Huttner B, Toth D, Sablay T, Borotkanics R, Gerding D, Samore M (2013). A simulation-based assessment of strategies to control Clostridium difficile transmission and infection. PLoS ONE, 8(11), e80671.


  • F.R. Adler. Modeling the Dynamics of Life: Calculus and Probability for Life Scientists: Third edition. Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, 2012.
  • S. Bhattacharya and F. R. Adler. A time since recovery model with varying rates of loss of immunity. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 84:2810-2819, 2012.
  • T. G. Liou, F. R. Adler, R. H. Keogh, Y. Li, J.L. Jensen, W. Walsh, K. Packer, T. Clark, H. Carveth, J. Chen, S. L. Rogers, C. Lane, J. Moore, A. Sturrock, R. Paine III, D. R. Cox, and J. R. Hoidal. Sputum biomarkers and the prediction of clinical outcomes in patients with cystic fibrosis. PLoS ONE, 7:e42748, 2012.
  • J. Waite, A. Henry, F. R. Adler, and D. Clayton. Sex-specific effects of an avian malaria parasite on an insect vector: support for the resource limitation hypothesis. Ecology, 93:2448-2455, 2012.
  • Remien, C.H. and Adler, F.R. and Waddoups, L. and Box, T.D. and Sussman, N.L. Mathematical modeling of liver injury and dysfunction after acetaminophen overdose: Early discrimination between survival and death. Hepatology, 56:727-734, 2012.
  • L. J. S. Allen, V. L. Brown, C. B. Jonsson, S. L. Klein, S. M. Laverty, K. Magwedere, J. C. Owen and P. Van Den Driessche, Mathematical Modeling of Viral Zoonoses in Wildlife. Natural Resource Modeling, 23 (1): 5-51. 2012. Article first published online: 30 DEC 2011, DOI: 10.1111/j.1939-7445.2011.00104.x.
  • Huynh, G.T. and Adler, F.R. (2012). Mathematical modeling the age dependence of Epstein-Barr virus associated infectious mononucleosis. Math. Med. Biol. 29. 245-261.
  • O'Grady SP1, Valenzuela LO1, Remien C, Enright L, Jorgensen M, Kaplan J, Wagner J, Cerling TE, Ehleringer JR. 2012. Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Ratios in Body Water and Hair: Modeling Isotope Dynamics in Non-Human Primates. American Journal of Primatology, 74(7):651-660. DOI: 10.1002/ajp.22019 pdf
  • Valenzuela LO, Chesson LA, Bowen G, Cerling TE, Ehleringer JR. 2012. Dietary heterogeneity among western industrialized countries reflected in the stable isotope ratios of human hair. PLoS ONE 7(3): e34234. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034234. Pdf
  • Bulmahn K, Canella M, Coghill C, Gallegos F, Gundlapalli A, Schell W, Toth D, Walton T, Woods C (2012). Final Supplementary Risk Assessment for the Boston University National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories, National Institutes of Health.
  • Remien CH, Adler FR, Waddoups L, Box TD, Sussman NL. Reply to Drs. Craig and Simpson and Drs. Mullins and Schwartz Hepatology. 56: 2428-2429. 2012.


  • J.M.C. Pearce-Duvet, M. Moyano, F.R. Adler, and D.H. Feener. Fast food in ant communities: how competing species find resources. Oecologia, 167:229-240, 2011.
  • G.T. Huynh and F.R. Adler. Alternating Host Cell Tropism Shapes the Persistence, Evolution and Coexistence of Epstein-Barr Virus Infections in Human. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 73:1754-1773, 2011.
  • G.T. Huynh and F.R. Adler. Mathematical modeling the age dependence of Epstein-Barr virus associated infectious mononucleosis. Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 29:245-261, 2011.
  • F. R. Adler. The effects of intraspecific density dependence on species richness and species abundance distributions. Theoretical Ecology, 4:153-162, 2011.
  • A.M. Smith, J.A. McCullers, and F.R. Adler. Mathematical model of a three-stage innate immune response to a pneumococcal lung infection. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 276:106-116, 2011.
  • A.M. Smith, F.R. Adler, J. L. McAuley, R. N. Gutenkunst, R. M. Ribeiro, J. A. McCullers, and A. S. Perelson. Effect of 1918 PB1-F2 expression on inuenza A virus infection kinetics. PLoS Computational Biology, 7:e1001081,2011.
  • M.M. Peet, P.S. Kim, and P.P. Lee. Biological circuit models of the immune regulatory response: a decentralized control system, Proc. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 12-15, 2011: pp. 3020-3025, 2011.
  • F. Mazenc, P.S. Kim, and S.-I. Niculescu. Stability of an imatinib and immune model with delays, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 28: pp. 447-462, 2011.
  • K. Hawkes, P.S. Kim, B. Kennedy, R. Bohlender, and J. Hawks. A reappraisal of grandmothering and natural selection, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278(1714): pp. 1936-1938, 2011.
  • P.S. Kim, P.P. Lee, and D. Levy. A theory of immunodominance and adaptive regulation, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 73(7): pp. 1645-1665, 2011.
  • D. Paquin, P.S. Kim, P.P. Lee, and D. Levy. Strategic treatment interruptions during imatinib treatment of chronic myelogenous lukemia, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 73(5): pp. 1082-1100, 2011.
  • P.S. Kim and P.P. Lee. T cell state transitions produce an emergent change detector, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 275(1): pp. 59-69, 2011.
  • Koop, Jennifer A.H.; Huber, Sarah K.; Laverty, Sean M.; and Dale H. Clayton (2011), Experimental demonstration of the fitness consequences of an introduced parasite of Darwin's finches. PLoS ONE, 6(5):e19706, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0019706.
  • M. Andrea Previtali, Erin M. Lehmer, Jessica M. C. Pearce-Duvet, Jeremy D. Jones, Christine A. Clay, Britta A. Wood, Patrick W. Ely, Sean M. Laverty, M. Denise Dearing, Roles of human disturbance, precipitation, and a pathogen on the survival and reproductive probabilities of deer mice. Ecology, 02/2010; 91(2):582-92. DOI:10.1890/08-2308.1
  • Chesson LA, Valenzuela LO, Bowen GJ, Cerling TE, Ehleringer JR. 2011 Consistent predictable patterns in the hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope ratios of animal proteins consumed by modern humans in the USA. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 25(24) 3713-3722. doi: 10.1002/rcm.5283.
  • Valenzuela LO, Chesson LA, O'Grady SP, Cerling TE, Ehleringer JR. 2011. Spatial distributions of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur isotope ratios in human hair across the central United States. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 25(7):861-868. doi: 10.1002/rcm.4934 pdf
  • Cerling TE, Wynn JG, Andanje SA, Bird MI, Korir DK, Levin NE, Mace WD, Macharia AN, Quade J, Remien CH. Woody Cover and Hominin Environments in the past 6 Million Years. Nature. 476: 51-56. 2011.


  • A.M. Smith, F. R. Adler and A. S. Perelson. An accurate two-phase approximate solution to an acute viral infection model. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 60:711-726, 2010.
  • A.M. Smith, and R.M. Ribiero. Modeling the Viral Dynamics of Influenza A Virus Infestion. Crit Rev Immunol, 30(3):291-298. 2010
  • S. R. Proulx and F.R. Adler. The standard of neutrality: still flapping in the breeze? Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23:1339-1350, 2010.
  • J. Seger, W.A. Smith, J.J. Perry, J. Hunn, Z.A. Kaliszewska, L. La Sala, L. Pozzi, V.J. Rowntree, and F.R. Adler. Gene genealogies strongly distorted by weakly selected mutations in constant environments. Genetics, 184:529-545, 2010.
  • B. O'Fallon, J. Seger, and F. R. Adler. A continuous-state coalescent and the impact of weak selection on the structure of gene genealogies. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 27:1162-1172, 2010.
  • P.S. Kim, P.P. Lee, and D. Levy. Emergent group dynamics governed by regulatory cells produce a robust primary T cell response, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 72(3): pp. 611-644, 2010.
  • M. Doumic-Jauffret, P.S. Kim, and B. Perthame. Stability analysis of simplified yet complete model for chronic myelogenous leukemia, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 72(7): pp. 1732-1759, 2010.
  • S.-I. Niculescu, P.S. Kim, K. Gu, P.P. Lee, and D. Levy Stability crossing boundaries of delay systems modeling immune dynamics in leukemia, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 13(1): pp. 129-156, 2010.
  • Godard-Codding CA, Clark R, Fossi MC, Marsili L, Maltese S, West AG, Valenzuela LO, Rowntree VJ, Polyak I, Cannon JC, Pinkerton K, Rubio-Cisneros N, Mesnick SL, Cox SB, Kerr I, Payne R, Stegeman JJ. 2010. Pacific oceanwide profile of CYP1A1 expression, stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios, and organic contaminant burden in sperm whale skin biopsies. Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(3):337-343. doi:10.1289/ehp.0901809.
  • O'Grady SP, Wende AR, Remien CH, Valenzuela LO, Enright LE, Chesson LA, Abel ED, Cerling TE, Ehleringer JR. 2010. Aberrant Water Homeostasis Detected by Stable Isotope Analysis. PLoS ONE, 5(7):e11699. pdf
  • Valenzuela LO, Sironi M, Rowntree VJ. 2010. Interannual Variation in the Stable Isotope Differences Between Mothers and Their Calves in Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena australis). Aquatic Mammals, 36:138-147. pdf
  • Chesson LA, Valenzuela LO, O'Grady SP, Cerling TE, Ehleringer JR. 2010a. Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope ratios of milk in the United States. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58:2358-2363.
  • Chesson LA, Valenzuela LO, O'Grady SP, Cerling TE, Ehleringer JR. 2010b. Links between Purchase Location and Stable Isotope Ratios of Bottled Water, Soda, and Beer in the United States. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58:7311-7316.


  • S. M. Laverty and F. R. Adler. The role of age structure in the persistence of a chronic pathogen in a fluctuating population. Journal of Biological Dynamics, March (2009) pp. 224-234.
  • P.S. Kim, D. Levy, and P.P. Lee, “Modeling and simulation of the immune system as a self-regulating network,” in Michael L. Johnson and Ludwig Brand, editors: Methods in Enzymology, vol. 467, Burlington: Academic Press, 2009, pp. 79-109.
  • M.A. Christman, J.S. Sperry, and F.R. Adler. Testing the 'rare pit' hypothesis for xylem cavitation resistance in three species of Acer. New Phytologist,182:664-674, 2009.
  • C. J. Tanner and F. R. Adler. To fight or not to fight: context-dependent interspecific aggression in competing ants. Animal Behaviour, 77:297-305, 2009.
  • M.M. Peet, P.S. Kim, S.-I. Niculescu, and D. Levy. New computational tools for modeling chronic myelogenous lukemia, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 4(2): pp. 119-139, 2009.
  • Tanner, C.J. 2009. Individual experience-based foraging can generate community territorial structure for competing ant species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 63: 591-603.
  • Tanner, C.J. 2009. Chill Out: Cold-induced narcosis promotes aggressive behavior in the ant Formica xerophila. Insectes Sociaux, 56: 64-69.
  • Valenzuela LO, Sironi M, Rowntree VJ, Seger J. 2009. Isotopic and genetic evidence for culturally inherited site fidelity to feeding grounds in southern right whales (Eubalaena australis). Molecular Ecology, 18:782-791. pdf
  • Cerling TE, Wittemyer G, Ehleringer JR, Remien CH, Douglas-Hamilton I. History of Animals Using Isotope Records (HAIR): A 6-year Dietary History of one Family of African Elephants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA). 106: 8093-8100. 2009.


  • F. R. Adler and C. A. Clay and E. M. Lehmer. The role of heterogeneity in the persistence and prevalence of Sin Nombre Virus in deer mice. The American Naturalist, 172:855-867, 2008.
  • F. R. Adler and J. M. C. Pearce-Duvet and M. D. Dearing. How host population dynamics translate into time-lagged prevalence: An investigation of Sin Nombre virus in deer mice. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 70:236-252, 2008.
  • J. M. Zobitz, S. P. Burns, M. Reichstein, D. R. Bowling, Partitioning net ecosystem carbon exchange and the carbon isotopic disequilibrium in a subalpine forest, 2008. Global Change Biology,14(8):1785-1800.
  • J. M. Zobitz, D. Moore, W. J. Sacks, R. K. Monson, D. R. Bowling, D.S. Schimel, Integration of Process-based Soil Respiration Models with Whole-Ecosystem CO2 Measurements, 2008. Ecosystems, 11:250-269.
  • Tanner, C.J. 2008. Aggressive group behavior in the ant Formica xerophila is coordinated by direct nestmate contact. Animal Behaviour, 76: 1335-1341.
  • Tanner, C.J. 2008. Resource characteristics and competition affect colony and individual foraging strategies of the wood ant Formica integroides. Ecological Entomology, 33: 127-136.


  • McAuley, J.L., F. Hornung, K.L. Boyd, A.M. Smith, R. McKeon, J. Bennink, J.W. Yewdell, and J.A. McCullers. Expression of the 1918 Influenza A Virus PB1-F2 Enhances the Pathogenesis of Viral and Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia. Cell Host & Microbe, 2:240-249, October 2007.
  • B. O'Fallon, Adler F. R., and S. R. Proulx. Quasispecies evolution in subdivided populations favours maximally deleterious mutations. Proc. Roy. Soc. of London B, 274:3159-3164, 2007.
  • T. G. Liou, F. R. Adler, B. Cahill and D. R. Cox. Lung Transplantation and Survival in Children with Cystic Fibrosis. New England Journal of Medicine, 357:2143-2152, 2007.
  • K. R. Groch, J. T. Palazzo Jr., P. A. C. Flores, F. R. Adler, and M. E. Fabian. Recent rapid increases in the right whale (Eubalaena australis) population of southern Brazil. LAJAM, 4:41-47, 2007.
  • F. R. Adler and E. G. LeBrun and D. H. Feener Jr.. Maintaining diversity in an ant community: Modeling, extending, and testing the dominance-discovery tradeoff. The American Naturalist, 169:323-333, 2007.
  • J. M. Zobitz, S. P. Burns, J. Ogée, M. Reichstein, D. R. Bowling, Partitioning net ecosystem exchange of CO2 : A comparison of a Bayesian/isotope approach to environmental regression methods, 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 112, G03013, doi:10.1029/2006JG000282.


  • F. R. Adler Commentary on Calcagno et al (2006): Coexistence in a metacommunity: the competition-colonization tradeoff is not dead", Ecology Letters, 9:906-909, 2006.
  • W. J. Koppelman and F. R. Adler. Do rhinoviruses follow the neutral theory? the role of cross-immunity in maintaining the diversity of the common cold. In Z. L. Feng, U. Dieckmann, and S. A. Levin, editors, Disease evolution: Models, concepts, and data analyses, 181-192. American Mathematical Society, 2006.
  • B. O'Fallon and F. R. Adler Stochasticity, complex spatial structure, and the feasibility of the shifting balance theory Evolution, 60:448-459, 2006.
  • D. Pataki, D.R. Bowling, J.R. Ehleringer, J. M. Zobitz, High resolution atmospheric monitoring of urban CO2 sources, 2006. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L03813, doi:10.1029/2005GL024822.
  • J.M.Zobitz, J.P.Keener, H.Schnyder, D.R.Bowling, Sensitivity analysis and quantification of uncertainty for isotopic mixing relationships in carbon cycle research, 2006. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology , 136 (1-2): 56-75.
  • Hills, T. (2006). Animal foraging and the evolution of goal-directed cognition. Cognitive Science, 30, 3-41.
  • Tanner, C.J. 2006. Numerical assessment affects aggression and competitive ability: a team-fighting strategy for the ant Formica xerophila. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 273: 2737-2742.


  • K. Chase, D. R. Carrier, F. R. Adler, E. A. Ostrander, and K.G. Lark. Interaction between the X chromosome and an autosome regulates size sexual dimorphism in Portuguese Water Dogs. Genome Research, 15:1820-1824, 2005.
  • B. R. Jackson, A. Thomas, K. C. Carroll, F. R. Adler, and M. H. Samore. Use of strain typing data to estimate bacterial transmission rates in healthcare settings. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 26:638-645, 2005
  • F. R. Adler and H. C. Muller-Landau. When do localized natural enemies increase species richness?, Ecology Letters, 8:438-447, 2005. This is an electronic version of an article published in Ecology Letters: complete citation information for the final version of the paper, as published in the print edition of Ecology Letters, is available on the Blackwell Synergy online delivery service, accessible via the journal's website at http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journals/ele or http://www.blackwell-synergy.com.
  • T. G. Liou, F. R. Adler, and D. Huang Use of Lung Transplantation Survival Models to Refine Patient Selection in Cystic Fibrosis American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 171:1053-1059, 2005
  • F.R. Adler. Modeling the Dynamics of Life: Calculus and Probability for Life Scientists: 2nd edition. Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, 2005.


  • E. E. McClelland, Adler F.R., Granger D.L., and Potts W.K. Major histo-compatibility complex controls the trajectory but not host-specific adaptation during virulence evolution of the pathogenic fungus cryptococcus neoformans. Proc. Roy. Soc. of London B, 271:1557-1564, 2004.
  • K. Chase, D.F. Lawler, F.R. Adler, E. A. Ostrander, and K.G. Lark. Bilaterally asymmetric effect of quantitative trait loci (QTLs):QTLs that affect laxity in the right versus left coxofemoral (hip) joints of the dog (Canis familiaris). American Journal of Medical Genetics, 124A:239-247, 2004.
  • Hills, T., Brockie, P., Maricq, A.V. (2004). Dopamine and glutamate control area-restricted search behavior in Caenorhabditis elegant. Journal of Neuroscience, 24, 1217-1225.
  • Kay, A., S.E. Scott, J.D. Schade, and S.E. Hobbie. (2004) Stoichiometric relations in an ant-homopteran mutualism. Ecology Letters 7: 1024-1028.


  • F. R. Adler and D. M. Gordon. Optimization, Conflict, and Nonoverlapping Foraging Ranges in Ants, American Naturalist, 162:529-543, 2003.
  • S. L. Elliot, F. R. Adler, and M. W. Sabelis. How virulent should a parasite be to its vector? Ecology 84:2568-2574, 2003.
  • A. D. Kay and F. R. Adler. Optimal tempo and defense for consumers of multiple resources. Evolutionary Ecology Research 5:701-716, 2003.
  • K. McCulloh, F. R. Adler and J. Sperry. Water transport in plants obeys Murray's law. Nature, 421:939-942, 2003.
  • J.L. Cherry. Genome size and operon content. J Theor Biol., 221(3):401-10, 7 Apr 2003.
  • Hills, T. (2003). Towards a unified theory of animal event timing. In W.H. Meck (Ed.) Functional and Neural Mechanisms of Interval Timing. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.


  • F. R. Adler and J. Mosquera. Super- and coinfection: Filling the range. In U. Dieckmann, H. Metz, M. Sabelis, and K. Sigmund, editors, Virulence Management: The Adaptive Dynamics of Pathogen-Host Interactions, pages 138-149. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  • K. Chase, D. R. Carrier, F.R. Adler, T. Jarvik, E. A. Ostrander, T. D. Lorentzen, and K.G. Lark. Genetic basis for systems of skeletal quantitative traits: Principal component analysis of the canid skeleton. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 99:9930-9935, 2002.
  • T. T. Hills and F. R. Adler. Time's crooked arrow: Rate-biased time perception and optimal foraging. Animal Behavior, 64:589-597, 2002.
  • T. G. Liou, F. R. Adler, B. C. Cahill, S. C. FitzSimmons, D. Huang, J. R. Hibbs, and B. C. Marshall. Priorities for lung transplantation among patients with cystic fibrosis. Journal of the American Medical Association, 287:1525,2002.
  • T. G. Liou, B. C. Cahill, F. R. Adler, and B. C. Marshall. Selection of patients with cystic fibrosis for lung transplantation. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine, 8:535-541, 2002.
  • J. Seger and F. R. Adler. Mathematical models. In M. Pagel, editor, Encyclopedia of Evolution, pages 684-688. Oxford University Press, 2002.
  • T. Milac, F. R. Adler, and G. R. Smith. Maximal power tests for detecting defects in meiotic recombination. Genetics, 161:1333-1337, 2002.
  • J. L. Cherry. Deleterious mutation and the evolution of eusociality. Evolution, 56(12):2359-67, Dec. 2002.
  • Hills, T. & Adler, F. (2002). Time's crooked arrow: Optimal foraging and rate-biased time perception. Animal Behavior, 64, 589-597.
  • Kay, A. (2002) Applying optimal foraging theory to assess nutrient availability ratios for ants. Ecology 83: 1935-1944.
  • Wagner, D. and A. Kay (2002) Do extrafloral nectaries distract ants from visiting flowers? An experimental test of an overlooked hypothesis. Evolutionary Ecology Research 4:293-305.


  • F. R. Adler, A. de Roos, and S. Richards. Patterns of patch rejection in size-structured populations: Beyond the ideal free distribution and size segregation. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 3:805-827, 2001.
  • T. G. Liou, F. R. Adler, B. C. Cahill, S. C. FitzSimmons, J. R. Hibbs, and B. C. Marshall. A predictive 5-year survivorship model of cystic fibrosis. American Journal of Epidemiology, 153:345-352, 2001.
  • T. G. Liou, F. R. Adler, B. C. Cahill, S. C. FitzSimmons, D. Huang, J. R. Hibbs, and B. C. Marshall. Survival effect of lung transplantation among patients with cystic fibrosis. Journal of the American Medical Association, 286:2683-2689, 2001.
  • Brockie, P., Mellem, J.E., Hills, T., Madsen, D.M., & Maricq, A.V. (2001). The C. elegans glutamate receptor subunit NMR-1 is required for slow NMDA-activated currents that regulate reversal frequency during locomotion. Neuron, 31, 617-630.


  • F. R. Adler and J. Mosquera. Is space necessary? Interference competition and limits to biodiversity. Ecology, 81:3226-3232, 2000.
  • J. L. Cherry and F. R. Adler. How to make a biological switch. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 203:117-133, 2000.
  • K. J. Johnson, F. R. Adler, and J. L. Cherry. Evolutionary and phylogenetic predictions of island biogeography. Evolution, 54:387-396, 2000.


  • F. R. Adler. The balance of terror: An alternative mechanism for competitive tradeoffs and its implications for invading species. American Naturalist,154:497-509, 1999.
  • F. R. Adler and D. Grunbaum. Evolution of forager responses to inducible defenses. In C. D. Harvell and R. Tollrian, editors, Ecology and Evolution of Inducible Defenses, pages 259-285. Princeton University Press, 1999.
  • F. R. Adler and M. Kotar. Departure time versus departure rate: How to forage optimally when you are stupid. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 11:411-421, 1999.
  • K.G. Lark, K. Chase, F.R. Adler, L.M. Mansur, and J.H. Orf. Genetics of soybean agronomic traits: Comparison of three related recombinant inbred populations. Crop Science, 39:1642-1651, 1999.
  • K.G. Lark, K. Chase, F.R. Adler, L.M. Mansur, and J.H. Orf. Genetics of soybean agronomic traits ii: Interactions between yield quantitative trait loci in soybean. Crop Science, 39:1652-1657, 1999.
  • D. L. Maeder, R. B. Weiss, D. M. Dunn, J. L. Cherry, J. M. Gonzlez, J. DiRuggiero, F. T. Robb. Divergence of the hyperthermophilic archaea Pyrococcus furiosus and P. horikoshii inferred from complete genomic sequences. Genetics, 152(4):1299-305, Aug 1999.
  • M. D. Stump, J. L. Cherry, R. B. Weiss. The use of modified primers to eliminate cycle sequencing artifacts. Nucleic Acids Res., 27(23):4642-8, Dec 1 1999.


  • F.R. Adler. Modeling the Dynamics of Life: Calculus and Probability for Life Scientists. Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, 1998.
  • K. Chase, F. R. Adler, K. Miller-Stebbings, and K. G. Lark. Teaching a new dog old tricks: Identifying quantitative trait loci using lessons from plants. Journal of Heredity, 90:43-51, 1998.
  • J. Mosquera and F. R. Adler. Evolution of virulence: A unified framework for coinfection and superinfection. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 195:293-313,1998.
  • J. Sperry, F. R. Adler, G. S. Campbell, and J. C. Comstock. Limitation of plant water use by rhizosphere and xylem conductance: results from a model. Plant, Cell and Environment, 21:347-360, 1998.
  • J. L. Cherry. Clusters of identical new mutations can not account for the "overdispersed" molecular clock. Genetics, 149(1):465, May 1998.
  • J. L. Cherry. Should we expect substitution rate to depend on population size? Genetics, 150(2):911-9, Oct 1998.


  • K. Chase, F. R. Adler, and K. G. Lark. Epistat: a computer program for identifying and testing interactions between pairs of quantitative trait loci. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 94:724-730, 1997.
  • M. A. Lewis H. G. Othmer, F.R. Adler and J. C. Dallon. Case Studies in Mathematical Modeling: Ecology Physiology and Cell Biology. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1997.


  • F. R. Adler. A model of self-thinning through local competition. Proc. Nat.Acad. Sci., 93:9980-9984, 1996.
  • R. Karban and F. R. Adler. Induced resistance to herbivores and the information content of early season attack. Oecologia (Berlin), 107:379-385, 1996.
  • D. W. Winkler and F. R. Adler. Dynamic state variable models for parental care: I. A submodel for the growth of the chicks of passerine birds. Journal of Avian Biology, 27:343-353, 1996.


  • J.B. Losos and F.R. Adler. Stumped by trees? a generalized null model for patterns of organismal diversity. American Naturalist, 145:329-342, 1995.
  • K.G. Lark, K. Chase, F.R. Adler, L.M. Mansur, and J.H. Orf. Interactions between quantitative trait loci in soybean in which trait variation at one locus in conditional upon a specific allele at another. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 92:4656-4660, 1995.
  • W.F. Morris, M. Mangel, and F.R. Adler. Mechanisms of pollen deposition by insect pollinators. Evolutionary Ecology, 9:304-317, 1995.


  • F. R. Adler and R. Karban. Defended fortresses or moving targets? another model of inducible defenses inspired by military metaphors. American Naturalist, 144:813-832, 1994.
  • F. R. Adler and B. Nuernberger. Persistence in patchy, irregular landscapes. Theoretical Population Biology, 45:41-75, 1994.
  • F. R. Adler and W. F. Morris. A general test for interaction modifications. Ecology, 75:1552-1559, 1994.
  • M. Mangel and F.R. Adler. Construction of multidimensional clustered spatial patterns. Ecology, 75:1289-1298, 1994.
  • M. Mangel, J.A. Rosenheim, and F.R. Adler. Clutch size, offspring performance, and intergenerational fitness. Behavioral Ecology, 5:412-417, 1994.
  • J. L. Cherry, H. Young, L. J. Di Sera, F. M. Ferguson, A. W. Kimball, D. M. Dunn, R. F. Gesteland, R. B. Weiss. Enzyme-linked fluorescent detection for automated multiplex DNA sequencing. Genomics, 20(1):68-74, 1 Mar 1994.


  • F. R. Adler. Migration alone can produce persistence of host-parasitoid models. American Naturalist, 141:642-650, 1993.
  • M. Kretzschmar and F. R. Adler. Aggregated distributions in models for patchy populations. Theoretical Population Biology, 43:1-30, 1993.
  • C. T. Wittwer, B. C. Marshall, G. H. Reed, J. L. Cherry. Rapid cycle allele-specific amplification: studies with the cystic fibrosis delta F508 locus. Clin Chem., 39(5):804-9, May 1993.


  • F. R. Adler. The effects of averaging on the basic reproductive ratio. Mathematical Biosciences, 111:89-98, 1992.
  • F. R. Adler and D. M. Gordon. Information collection and spread by networks of patrolling ants. American Naturalist, 140:373-400, 1992.
  • F. R. Adler and M. Kretzschmar. Aggregation and stability in parasite-host models. Parasitology, 104:199-205, 1992.


  • F. R. Adler and R. Brunet. The dynamics of simultaneous infection with altered susceptibilities. Theoretical Population Biology, 40:369-410, 1991.


  • F. R. Adler. Coexistence of two types on a single resource in discrete time.Journal of Mathematical Biology, 28:695-713, 1990.
  • F. R. Adler and C. D. Harvell. Inducible defenses, phenotypic plasticity and biotic environments. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 5:407-410, 1990.
  • S. A. Levin, L. A. Segel, and F. R. Adler. Diffuse coevolution in plant-herbivore communities. Theoretical Population Biology, 37:171-191, 1990.