Contact Vice Presidencies:
Fred Adler - VicE president of wiTTy titles, eMaiLing, and perMuTations
Subhra Bhattacharya - Vice President of quorum deTecTioN
Erica Graham - vice preSident of gluCose reGulatIon
Ben Hardisty - ViCe presIdent of (leGaL) stImuLanTs
Deborah Johnson - vIce pResiDent of cUlturAl afFairS
Anne Kakouridis - Senior vIce President of intErnaTionaL rElatioNs
Peter Kim - Vice President of delInqUenCy
Sean Laverty - Vice PresiDent of sLaM sporTs SpectAculars, socIal sERvices (and webPages)
Nicole Lewis-Rogers - Vice President of stAyinG oN meSsAgE
Cari Maron - Executive viCe PreSident of iNternAtional aFFairs
James Moore - Vice President of sCrEEn ManaGemEnT
Chris Remien - Vice President of AV
Vicky Rowntree - viCe preSiDent of nOn seQuitUrs
Jon Seger - viCe presIDent oF raNtIng aNd rAvIng
Sofi - HonorAry vicE pResideNt Of eNtHusIaStic aniMalS