Physiology Research
Selected Physiology papers
E. A. Fedak, F. R. Adler, L. M. Abegglen, and J. D. Schiffman.
ATM and ATR activation through crosstalk between DNA damage response
Bull. Math. Biol., 83:1--30, 2021.
R. S. Sorenson, M. J. Deshotel, K. Johnson, F. R. Adler, and L. E. Sieburth.
Arabidopsis mRNA decay landscape arises from specialized RNA decay
substrates, decapping-mediated feedback, and redundancy.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, page
201712312, 2018.
L. Zinn-Bjorkman and F. R. Adler.
Modeling factors that regulate cell cooperativity in the zebrafish
posterior lateral line primordium.
J. Theor. Biol., 65:1282--1288, 2018.
D. D. Smith, J. S. Sperry, and F. R. Adler.
Convergence in leaf size versus twig leaf area scaling: do plants
optimize leaf area partitioning?
Annals Bot., 119:447--456, 2016.
R. Boschert, F. R. Adler, and D. F. Blair.
Loose coupling in the bacterial flagellar motor.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 112:4755--4760, 2015.
E. J. Graham and F. R. Adler.
Long-term models of oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage in
insulin resistance progression.
J. Theor. Biol., 340:238--250, 2014.
M. A. Christman, J. S. Sperry, and F. R. Adler.
Testing the 'rare pit' hypothesis for xylem cavitation resistance in
three species of Acer.
New Phytologist, 182:664--674, 2009.
K. McCulloh, J. S. Sperry, and F. R. Adler.
Murray's law and the hydraulic vs mechanical functioning of wood.
Functional Ecology, 18:931--938, 2004.
K. McCulloh, F. R. Adler, and J. S. Sperry.
Water transport in plants obeys Murray's law.
Nature, 421:939--942, 2003.
J. Cherry and F. R. Adler.
How to make a biological switch.
J. Theor. Biol., 203:117--133, 2000.
J. Sperry, F. R. Adler, G. S. Campbell, and J. C. Comstock.
Limitation of plant water use by rhizosphere and xylem conductance:
results from a model.
Plant, Cell and Environment, 21:347--360, 1998.