Epidemiology Research
Selected Epidemiology papers
A. Beams, L. T. Keegan, F. R. Adler, M. H. Samore, K. Khader, and D. J. Toth.
Are Staphylococcus aureus carrier types evidence of population
American Journal of Epidemiology, 192:455--466, 2023.
T. G. Liou, F. R. Adler, B. C. Cahill, D. R. Cox, J. E. Cox, G. J. Grant, K. E.
Hanson, S. C. Hartsell, N. D. Hatton, M. N. Helms, et al.
SARS-CoV-2 innate effector associations and viral load in early
nasopharyngeal infection.
Physiological Reports, 9:e14761, 2021.
T. G. Liou, F. R. Adler, and N. D. Hatton.
The Uncertain Role of Corticosteroids in the Treatment of COVID-19.
JAMA Internal Medicine, 181:139--140, 2021.
A. B. Beams, R. Bateman, and F. R. Adler.
Will SARS-CoV-2 Become Just Another Seasonal Coronavirus?
Viruses, 2021.
F. R. Adler, C. Stockmann, K. Ampofo, A. T. Pavia, and C. L. Byington.
Transmission of rhinovirus in the Utah BIG-LoVE families:
Consequences of age and household structure.
PLoS One, 13(7), 2018.
D. J. A. Toth, A. V. Gundlapalli, K. Khader, , W. B. P. Pettey, M. A. Rubin,
F. R. Adler, and M. H. Samore.
Estimates of outbreak risk from new introductions of Ebola with
immediate and delayed transmission control.
Emerging. Infect. Dis., 21:1402–1408, 2015.
C. L. Byington, K. Ampofo, C. Stockmann, F. R. Adler, A. Herbener, T. Miller,
X. Sheng, A. J. Blaschke, R. Crisp, and A. T. Pavia.
Community surveillance of respiratory viruses among families in the
Utah Better Identification of Germs-Longitudinal Viral Epidemiology
(BIG-LoVE) study.
Clin. Infect. Dis., 61:1217--1224, 2015.
S. Bhattacharyya, P. H. Gesteland, K. Korgenski, O. N. Bjornstad, and F. R. Adler.
Cross-immunity between strains explains the dynamical pattern of
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 112:13396--13400, 2015.
S. Ghosh, J. L. Waite, D. H. Clayton, and F. R. Adler.
Can antibodies against flies alter malaria transmission in birds by
changing vector behavior?
J. Theor. Biol., 358:93--101, 2014.
J. Waite, A. Henry, F. R. Adler, and D. Clayton.
Sex-specific effects of an avian malaria parasite on an insect
vector: support for the resource limitation hypothesis.
Ecology, 93:2448--2455, 2012.
S. Bhattacharya and F. R. Adler.
A time since recovery model with varying rates of loss of immunity.
Bull. Math. Biol., 74:2810--2819, 2012.
S. M. Laverty and F. R. Adler.
The role of age structure in the persistence of a chronic pathogen in
a fluctuating population.
J. Biol. Dynam., 3:224--234, 2009.
F. R. Adler, C. A. Clay, and E. M. Lehmer.
The role of heterogeneity in the persistence and prevalence of Sin
Nombre Virus in deer mice.
Am. Nat., 172:855--867, 2008.
F. R. Adler, J. M. C. Pearce-Duvet, and M. D. Dearing.
How host population dynamics translate into time-lagged prevalence:
An investigation of Sin Nombre virus in deer mice.
Bull. Math. Biol., 70:236--252, 2008.
B. R. Jackson, A. Thomas, K. C. Carroll, F. R. Adler, and M. H. Samore.
Use of strain typing data to estimate bacterial transmission rates in
healthcare settings.
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 26:638--645, 2005.
S. L. Elliot, F. R. Adler, and M. W. Sabelis.
How virulent should a parasite be to its vector?
Ecol., 84:2568--2574, 2003.
F. R. Adler and J. Mosquera.
Super- and coinfection: Filling the range.
In U. Dieckmann, H. Metz, M. Sabelis, and K. Sigmund, editors,
Virulence Management: The Adaptive Dynamics of Pathogen-Host Interactions,
pages 138--149. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
J. Mosquera and F. R. Adler.
Evolution of virulence: A unified framework for coinfection and
J. Theor. Biol., 195:293--313, 1998.
F. R. Adler.
The effects of averaging on the basic reproductive ratio.
Math. Biosci., 111:89--98, 1992.
F. R. Adler and R. Brunet.
The dynamics of simultaneous infection with altered susceptibilities.
Theor. Pop. Biol., 40:369--410, 1991.