Ecology Research
Selected ecology papers
F. R. Adler.
The balance of terror: An alternative mechanism for competitive
tradeoffs and its implications for invading species.
Am. Nat., 154:497--509, 1999.
R. Karban and F. R. Adler.
Induced resistance to herbivores and the information content of early
season attack.
Oecologia, 107:379--385, 1996.
D. W. Winkler and F. R. Adler.
Dynamic state variable models for parental care: I. A submodel
for the growth of the chicks of passerine birds.
Journal of Avian Biology, 27:343--353, 1996.
F. R. Adler.
A model of self-thinning through local competition.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 93:9980--9984, 1996.
W. F. Morris, M. Mangel, and F. R. Adler.
Mechanisms of pollen deposition by insect pollinators.
Evol. Ecol., 9:304--317, 1995.
F. R. Adler and B. Nuernberger.
Persistence in patchy, irregular landscapes.
Theor. Pop. Biol., 45:41--75, 1994.
F. R. Adler and W. F. Morris.
A general test for interaction modifications.
Ecol., 75:1552--1559, 1994.
F. R. Adler.
Migration alone can produce persistence of host-parasitoid models.
Am. Nat., 141:642--650, 1993.
M. Kretzschmar and F. R. Adler.
Aggregated distributions in models for patchy populations.
Theor. Pop. Biol., 43:1--30, 1993.
S. A. Levin, L. A. Segel, and F. R. Adler.
Diffuse coevolution in plant-herbivore communities.
Theor. Pop. Biol., 37:171--191, 1990.