Biodiversity Research

Selected Biodiversity papers

  • A. T. Tredennick, P. B. Adler, and F. R. Adler. The relationship between species richness and ecosystem variability is shaped by the mechanism of coexistence. Ecol. Lett., 20:958--968, 2017.
  • J. Koop, P. Kim, S. Knutie, F. Adler, and D. Clayton. Introduced parasitic fly may lead to local extinction of Darwin's finch populations. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53:511--518, 2015.
  • S. Bewick, K. L. Stuble, J.-P. Lessard, R. R. Dunn, F. R. Adler, and N. J. Sanders. Predicting future coexistence in a North American ant community. Ecology and Evolution, 4:1804--1819, 2014.
  • F. R. Adler. The effects of intraspecific density dependence on species richness and species abundance distributions. Theor. Ecol., 4:153--162, 2011.
  • F. R. Adler, E. G. LeBrun, and D. H. Feener Jr. Maintaining diversity in an ant community: Modeling, extending, and testing the dominance-discovery tradeoff. Am. Nat., 169:323--333, 2007.
  • W. J. Koppelman and F. R. Adler. Do rhinoviruses follow the neutral theory? The role of cross-immunity in maintaining the diversity of the common cold. In Z. L. Feng, U. Dieckmann, and S. A. Levin, editors, Disease evolution: Models, concepts, and data analyses, pages 181--192. AMS, 2005.
  • F. R. Adler and H. C. Muller-Landau. When do localized natural enemies increase species richness? Ecol. Lett., 8:438--447, 2005.
  • F. R. Adler and J. Mosquera. Is space necessary? Interference competition and limits to biodiversity. Ecol., 81:3226--3232, 2000.
  • F. R. Adler. Coexistence of two types on a single resource in discrete time. J. Math. Biol., 28:695--713, 1990.