Biodiversity Research
Selected Biodiversity papers
A. T. Tredennick, P. B. Adler, and F. R. Adler.
The relationship between species richness and ecosystem variability
is shaped by the mechanism of coexistence.
Ecol. Lett., 20:958--968, 2017.
J. Koop, P. Kim, S. Knutie, F. Adler, and D. Clayton.
Introduced parasitic fly may lead to local extinction of Darwin's
finch populations.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 53:511--518, 2015.
S. Bewick, K. L. Stuble, J.-P. Lessard, R. R. Dunn, F. R. Adler, and N. J.
Predicting future coexistence in a North American ant community.
Ecology and Evolution, 4:1804--1819, 2014.
F. R. Adler.
The effects of intraspecific density dependence on species richness
and species abundance distributions.
Theor. Ecol., 4:153--162, 2011.
F. R. Adler, E. G. LeBrun, and D. H. Feener Jr.
Maintaining diversity in an ant community: Modeling, extending, and
testing the dominance-discovery tradeoff.
Am. Nat., 169:323--333, 2007.
W. J. Koppelman and F. R. Adler.
Do rhinoviruses follow the neutral theory? The role of
cross-immunity in maintaining the diversity of the common cold.
In Z. L. Feng, U. Dieckmann, and S. A. Levin, editors, Disease
evolution: Models, concepts, and data analyses, pages 181--192. AMS, 2005.
F. R. Adler and H. C. Muller-Landau.
When do localized natural enemies increase species richness?
Ecol. Lett., 8:438--447, 2005.
F. R. Adler and J. Mosquera.
Is space necessary? Interference competition and limits to
Ecol., 81:3226--3232, 2000.
F. R. Adler.
Coexistence of two types on a single resource in discrete time.
J. Math. Biol., 28:695--713, 1990.