Behavior Research
Selected Behavior papers
E. Arehart and F. R. Adler.
A minimal model of learning: quantifying the cost and benefit of
learning in changing environments.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290:20231084, 2023.
E. Arehart, J. R. Reimer, and F. R. Adler.
Strategy maps: Generalised giving-up densities for optimal foraging.
Ecology Letters, 26:398--410, 2023.
F. R. Adler, S. Quinonez, N. Plowes, and E. S. Adams.
A mechanistic model of ant battles and its consequences for territory
Am. Nat., 92:204--216, 2018.
S. M. Countryman, M. C. Stumpe, S. P. Crow, F. R. Adler, M. J. Greene,
M. Vonshak, and D. M. Gordon.
Collective search by ants in microgravity.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 3:25, 2015.
J. M. C. Pearce-Duvet, M. Moyano, F. R. Adler, and D. H. Feener.
Fast food in ant communities: how competing species find resources.
Oecologia, 167:229--240, 2011.
F. R. Adler.
Plant signalling: the opportunities and dangers of chemical
Biology Letters, 7:161--162, 2011.
C. J. Tanner and F. R. Adler.
To fight or not to fight: context-dependent interspecific aggression
in competing ants.
Anim. Behav., 77:297--305, 2009.
A. D. Kay and F. R. Adler.
Optimal tempo and defense for consumers of multiple resources.
Evol. Ecol. Res., 5:701--716, 2004.
F. R. Adler and D. M. Gordon.
Optimization, conflict, and non-overlapping foraging ranges in ants.
Am. Nat., 162:529--543, 2003.
T. T. Hills and F. R. Adler.
Time's crooked arrow: Rate-biased time perception and optimal
Anim. Behav., 64:589--597, 2002.
F. R. Adler, A. de Roos, and S. Richards.
Patterns of patch rejection in size-structured populations: Beyond
the ideal free distribution and size segregation.
Evol. Ecol. Res., 3:805--827, 2001.
F. R. Adler and M. Kotar.
Departure time versus departure rate: How to forage optimally when
you are stupid.
Evol. Ecol. Res., 11:411--421, 1999.
D. W. Winkler and F. R. Adler.
Dynamic state variable models for parental care: I. A submodel
for the growth of the chicks of passerine birds.
Journal of Avian Biology, 27:343--353, 1996.
M. Mangel, J. A. Rosenheim, and F. R. Adler.
Clutch size, offspring performance, and intergenerational fitness.
Behav. Ecol., 5:412--417, 1994.
F. R. Adler and R. Karban.
Defended fortresses or moving targets? another model of inducible
defenses inspired by military metaphors.
Am. Nat., 144:813--832, 1994.
F. R. Adler and D. M. Gordon.
Information collection and spread by networks of patrolling ants.
Am. Nat., 140:373--400, 1992.
F. R. Adler and C. D. Harvell.
Inducible defenses, phenotypic plasticity and biotic environments.
Trends Ecol. Evol., 5:407--410, 1990.